Important Travel Tips for Optimum Oral Health

You love to travel, and you love to eat while you travel. But do you care about taking care of your oral health while you eat when you are traveling?

The next time you are heading out on a vacation or an adventurous road trip, make sure you’re packed up with the right essentials to keep your teeth and gums healthy all the way.

Here are some important travel tips to keep your mouth clean and healthy while you’re on the go…

1. Use Ventilated Toothbrush Covers

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When you buy a toothbrush holder for your brush, make sure it has holes in it that will keep the toothbrush dry. Believe it or not, a toothbrush holder without holes for ventilation can keep moisture locked inside, which can cause yucky bacteria to grow! Keeping your toothbrush in a large enough container to circulate air is the wisest thing to do while traveling.

2. Keep It Out & Dry

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No matter if you are staying in one place, or on an entourage, giving your toothbrush a vacation time from your travel bag or case is very important. Make sure to keep your toothbrush out and dry so that it doesn’t become a breeding ground for bacteria or other harmful germs.

3. Good Things in Small Packages

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Good things do come in small packages, and your toothbrush could be one of them! Whien you are traveling, the more compact your oral hygiene items, the more likely you are to use them. Foldable toothbrushes, mini toothpastes and small bottles of mouthwash are some of the things to keep handy when you are on the road. If you’re on a long flight, keep these in your carry-on baggage so you can take care of your denral business mid-flight.

4. Always have a Backup Brush

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Having a back up of a back up of a back up toothbrush is just the way we like to roll when it comes to oral hygiene. You don’t want to lose your toothbrush while on a trip because more often than not, those complementary brushes given by your hotel are too firm for your gums. Pack an extra toothbrush or toothbrush head so you’re always covered. Wanna be really smart? Keep one in your checked bag and one in your backpack or purse.

5. Avoid using Tap Water for Brushing

When you are traveling, avoid using tap water for drinking as well as brushing your teeth. Tap water in many cities and countries is acidic in nature that tends to erode the enamel of your teeth. Put harm away from your body and teeth by using boxed or filtered water for drinking and brushing your teeth.

6. Sugarfree Gum’s the Way

Traveling sometimes means waiting longer than you’d like to brush your teeth. Keep your mouth as clean as possible by using sugarless gum after eating or xylitol mints. Click the image above to buy the Wrigley’s sugarfree gum directly from

7. Keep the Sugar on the Down Low


“I’m on vacation!” is a good excuse for eating, specially sweet desserts and foods. That said, sugar-laden treats can do so much harm to your teeth and gums. Try to keep the sugary snacks and treats to a minimum. Remember, every time you expose your mouth to sugar, you’re inviting tooth decay!

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